When we arrived to the event, it was held right on the beach. I mean, the chairs were under a shelter that was made from wood and palm branches with sand underneath us. It was very cool. The sermon was on dating. It is a huge topic to tackle. The main point of his messages was you date when you are ready to get married. It is important to continue to bring this topic up it happens many times of a young person who seems to be strong in the Lord, finds love in a non-believer (most times Catholic). Often it leads deciding to leave the church for "love". Over the years, I have seen it happen. You can't talk about it enough, because the pickens are slim when there are so feel Christian young people.
After the event was over we headed out at 5 PM. We didn't get home until 10:30 PM. You do the math. It was a long trip. I was so tired that after church the next day, I didn't even eat lunch I was so tired. I laid down and with in 2 minutes, I was asleep. I know this because Jessie came to ask me something before I took a nap just after I had laid down.
Going so far away for an event, I was asking myself was it really worth it? When me and two other young guys were swimming in the ocean, the waves were pretty big in this area, I asked one of them when was the last time he had come to the beach? He said when I went with another missionary family, 4 years ago. He is only 14 years old. I am blessed to be able to bless this young kid with something that he normally doesn't get. He never leaves Autlan. So a trip the coast for the day is way outside of the norm. His name is Jose. He is growing in the Lord. We are seeing him soak up the truth. If it was just for him, I would go to the beach again, to get time with him. Pray for this young kid.