One thing I wanted to share to beginning posting, is that yesterday I had the opportunity to accompany a group from various parts of Mexico call "Buenas Nuevas" which means good news. After talking with the leader whose name is Jesus, it was then I realized that it is the Mexican branch of the mission Gospel Recordings. If you have any experience in the mission world you have most likely heard of Wycliffe Bible Translators. Their missions are similar. Get the gospel to the people in their own language. Gospel Recording uses various forms of getting the bible into the homes of indigenous people in audio format. This is key as illiteracy rate is high. So we drove about an hour outside of Autlan to an migrant camp. Migrant camps here are built for field workers. Often these workers are only there until the harvest is done. Then they move on to another migrant camp or go back home to their original villages. Many of these people speak Spanish as a second language. There are many different indigenous languages and dialects through out Mexico. So we go door-to-door asking these families what language they speak. Then we used this little hang crank radio that has all the samples of languages on it. I was amazed at how people responded to this. We would ask them if this was the correct dialect of their language. Some would say they completely understand it while others would say they understood most of it. We would ask them if they understood what the person was talking about? They would say it was talking about God and how there are two different directions to life. There were some who would be so focused on what the person was saying in their language, we would have to stop the recording to ask them a few more questions. This particular camp was one of the larger ones in the region. I had never been there. I would say there was at least 150 different places through this came with each habitation housing at least one or two families all sleeping in one room with a small half size room for the kitchen area. So you can imagine this was a lot of people in small area. The hope is that the word of God will bear much fruit as it says in
Romans 10:17 says "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." (ESV).
I will hopefully be able to go with them again on Saturday evening.