We would love to hear from you.
Ok, since my last post, life was very, very, very busy. I tried to post once or twice but the time frame that I had to get a moment to type something was very few and far between. After our time during Easter, our family got sick. Sick is an understatement. Each one of the kids was sick with a fever and a head cold. Then Jessie got sick. Thank the Lord, I was able to keep working all the details before we went to the states. Then for Jessie, Anna and Aletta ended up getting bronchitis. It was terrible. Jessie didn't go to church for two weeks. So my time was spent getting things ready for us to leave for our time in the states. It takes a lot of planning to get that done. Everything had to be figured out. Where the dog was going, who was going to take care of the chickens, how La Roca was going to be run. you get the idea. So many details to figure out and taking people to the doctor plus getting meds, was how our days were spent leading up to the day we left. We are now resting for a the day after making it Peoria, Illinois where Jessie family is from. After a long day of traveling on Monday, we are now enjoying our time to relaxing and visiting with family before we move on to visit some very good friends of ours who live in Colorado. We head there for a week then it is on to Minnesota. We so need this time. Even as we were coming and discussing just how stress can be around yet not be visible. Don't get me wrong, we are really seeing God move in the lives of those we are ministering to but, just to step away for a little while can be so refreshing. We are ready to unwind for a little while. If you could lift us up in prayer, especially for our health, we don't want a relapse of what happened a few years ago when we visited my brother in New York where we all got strep throat (not fun).
We would love to hear from you.
October 2024