So this past week, we ended up getting another kitten. We have decided to phase out our male animals to eventually only having females around. I never knew that male dogs and cats need to mark their territory. Well when you have an open house, there are other cats who come down and make their marks around our house. We know this because in the middle of the night there are cat fights that happen on our roof. Being we have a tile roof, it gets loud as they fight and roll across the tiles.
You may be asking why I bring this up. On Saturday, I was at youth group and Jessie called me to say that I needed to come home and put the little kitten out of her misery. So rushed home to find that Lilly had accidentally squished the little kitty under her knee as she was playing with it on the floor. Jessie was sure it was not going to survive due to the blood loss from her mouth and rear end. I found the kids in the living room, the three girls crying. When I got to the house it was breathing better but was still in pain. So Jessie and I decided to wait to see what happened during the night. What Jessie told me after she called me, the girls began to pray for the kitty. They all prayed that God would heal the kitty. I am not one to pray for animals, but seeing these little girls all crying, I am certain that God is moved with compassion for us His children. Even Jesus said let these little children come unto me. My thought on this is that it is times like this that God answers simple prayers of his children. This will become a moment in time when they will remember, though it be small as praying for a little kitten, they will remember that God does answer prayer. My wife's family has a story of how the kids prayed for a dog and the next day someone came to the door with a collie. The kitten is doing fine now. The girls are happier than ever about the kitten. Who knows how God will use this situation?!!