Then we moved on to a different topic, Communion. On Sunday we announced that we would be having communion next Sunday and that we should prepare our hearts for this time. We would spend time in prayer for one another in place of the sermon dividing up into men and women. (One of the benefits of having a small church.) So they wanted to know where they could read about communion in the bible and how we as "Christian" view communion. It was a good opportunity to see they were both hungry for the truth. One mentioned that she her daughter was required to go to a special mass for school for one of the numerous virgins that was being celebrated. She was not going to go with her daughter but decided to go. Her owns words were, "It was such a waste of time. These people come and do this ceremony but do not change at all. They come in the same and leave the same. They aren't looking for truth." It was amazing to hear this young believer identify how empty religion can be. How it is just something to mark of your list. I am glad to be able apart of what God is doing in the hearts of some people here. Just another day of walking Levi to school everyday! You never know what might happen.
We started taking Levi to kinder garden last year, when we realized that Levi was not getting much attention while Jessie was teaching the girls in school. We didn't want him watching tv for three hours everyday either. So enrolled him into a preschool here which they call kinder garden. Kids as early as 3 years old start going to school. It is only from 9-12, everyday. This year various people from our church all started bringing their kids to the same kinder garden. Sometimes we chitchat about this or that. Jessie dropped off Levi one time and didn't get back to the house until close to 10. On Monday I brought Levi and said good morning to two of the other ladies bringing their kids. They then proceeded to ask me about the "wrath of God" which we had been discussing our bible study on Romans. It was a topic that I think they had never really thought about. The thing we hear over and over again is that God is a god of love. True that He is, but at the same time fully just in His wrath towards sin. I have been attending a leadership training class about the Old Testament. Often times God had patience with the nation of Israel but because of their unbelief or worship of Idols, He would punish them by taking His hand of protection away. So after some discussion as well about right from the beginning when Adam and Eve sinned, the punishment for sin was death. They didn't pay with their lives at that moment but there was an animal sacrifice for their sin.
Then we moved on to a different topic, Communion. On Sunday we announced that we would be having communion next Sunday and that we should prepare our hearts for this time. We would spend time in prayer for one another in place of the sermon dividing up into men and women. (One of the benefits of having a small church.) So they wanted to know where they could read about communion in the bible and how we as "Christian" view communion. It was a good opportunity to see they were both hungry for the truth. One mentioned that she her daughter was required to go to a special mass for school for one of the numerous virgins that was being celebrated. She was not going to go with her daughter but decided to go. Her owns words were, "It was such a waste of time. These people come and do this ceremony but do not change at all. They come in the same and leave the same. They aren't looking for truth." It was amazing to hear this young believer identify how empty religion can be. How it is just something to mark of your list. I am glad to be able apart of what God is doing in the hearts of some people here. Just another day of walking Levi to school everyday! You never know what might happen.
PoLast week was one of those weeks that take a few days to recover from. I will start by saying, a week ago Sunday the kids were invited to a birthday party. Monday morning, all was well. We took the two younger kids to school and Jessie did a half day with the girls. When I went to pick up Levi, I notice he was coughing a bit. This is not unusual, as we have found that when kids attend school they get sick more often any things from colds to fevers to coughs or even LICE! (That is for a different day!) Monday night into Tuesday Levi ended up having a fever and vomiting. We gave him Tylenol but he could keep it down. I ended having a meeting to go to in the morning so I left. When I got back, I went to check on Levi who was in the living room watching TV. I knew he didn't feel very good because he didn't say much when I talked to him. We ended up having trouble with Netflix on our tv so I started to try to figure it out. After the fact, I believe it was the Lord who made a problem with the Netflix. Because I was trying to figure it out just being in the living room, I heard Levi start making some strange noises. I turned to look at him and he was having a seizure. I grabbed him and held to make sure he didn't fall off the couch and yelled for Jessie. Jessie could tell from my voice that something was really wrong. She came in and took over while I called the ambulance to come as he started to stop breathing and was turning blue. It lasted about a minute, which is a long time in the middle of a seizure. The ambulance got here with-in two minutes. Praise the Lord he started breathing again after the seizure started to dissipate. Jessie went with him to the hospital, where they got him hooked up to an iv and started giving him antibiotics. They also brought wet towels to help lower his temperature. When they checked it, it was 40 degrees Celsius which is 104 Fahrenheit. He was very hot and pretty much out of it all night. There were a few times through out the afternoon and evening that his temp spiked very quickly, so one time we gave him a shower to help cool him off. Jessie stayed up with him through the night. She said that finally at around 2 AM his fever started to break. I relieved her at 4 AM to continue to keep an eye on him. That morning he woke up hungry and very chatty and wanted to know when they were going to take out his IV. The doctor suggest we wait until the afternoon to go home. He was finally able to home at 6 PM. We got home and made sure that everyone was fed and in bed before, Jessie and I both went to sleep at 8:30 PM. Then next few days were spent just trying to recover our hours of lost sleep as well as the stress of see our young little boy having a seizure. Needless to say it was a week of recovery. Now sitting here and writing this, I realize just how much God protected us in these circumstances. It could have been a much worse outcome. God is our rock that doesn't move.
October 2024