On Sunday morning, this guy told me that what they had said. If there is motos left alone they assume that it is drug related. They said that there was a report that they had suspected us of doing something with drugs. I won't be parking in that area any more. I have learned my lesson. Before I forget I close this, we did have a really good conversation while we are up there. Step-by-step and little-by-little we are seeing people follow Christ. It is so exciting to see someone learn and g
This past Saturday, I decided to go up the mountain with a few guys. It turned out to be just me and two other guys. We got ended up going up the mountain at 7 AM. It was still dark out at that time. We started climbing and enjoyed being out getting some exercise. We got up to the spot under a tree where spend some time just talking, spending some time reading the bible and then discussing it. During our time there, we noticed a police truck with it's lights on. We didn't think much of it until we realized that they went to where we parked. We had just gotten done talking about how there is someone living in that area who works for the drug cartel. One of these guys is a police officer so he called in and told asked them if they had a report about a motorcycle being left alone. He told no it's mine and that we were up on the mountain getting some exercise and we could see them around his motorcycle. They finally left about 10 minutes later.
On Sunday morning, this guy told me that what they had said. If there is motos left alone they assume that it is drug related. They said that there was a report that they had suspected us of doing something with drugs. I won't be parking in that area any more. I have learned my lesson. Before I forget I close this, we did have a really good conversation while we are up there. Step-by-step and little-by-little we are seeing people follow Christ. It is so exciting to see someone learn and g
Over the last year I have been preaching through the book of Luke. We are finally coming to the time leading up to Jesus' crucifixion. As I have been studying it, it has blown me away at how unjust it was to sentence an innocent man to die. Both times Jesus was questioned before Pilot and Herod he was found to be innocent of the charges against him. I could not imagine what it would have looked like to be a disciple of Jesus during this time. It is clear from scripture that it was a fast process. In one commentary is was said that it all happened with-in 6 hours. It is a clear illustration of what John was wrote from Jesus' word in about in John 3:19-21 which says: 19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. 21 But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.” (NKJV) I am not one to recommend movies to anyone, but in this case with the Passion of Christ, I found the way Pilot presented Jesus along side Barbabas to be very insightful. I do not recommend watching the whole movie to any one as it shows the sheer violence surrounding the death of Jesus as well as one man's interpretation of the death of Jesus. I would not recommend watching the rest of this video either as it is one of the most horrific parts of the movie where Jesus is being whipped. But with the illustration of Pilot trying to present Jesus along side of a man who was proven to be a murderer and leader of a rebellion, it sheds light on to what man will choose over Jesus and how Jesus took our place and took on himself our sin as it says in 2 Corinthians 5:21 says "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." (NKJV) ![]() Herman and his new closet. This past Friday, I helped German, make a closet for his room. As you can see from the photo, his room is not very big. I would say the length is twice the side of the width. Very small. He just moved there with his grandparents two weeks ago. Jessie mentioned that I could help him make some shelves for his room if he wanted some more space. His 16 years old. He of course took me up on the offer. We emptied his room again and slowly pieced together this closet (my four attempt, as we have no closets in our house). We were both very happy with the results. It was only the price of the piece of plywood and the bar to hang his clothes on. Less than $30 to make. As Jessie and I were talking about it afterwards. It struck us that even though we were done with this little project after about 2 1/2 hours, we wondered how would something like this effect a young man like Herman. He is an average youth who needs love and attention. This coming month, he turns 17. I have not totally thought through what I want to do for him. But there is something about someone taking the time to celebrate you. I am blessed to be a part of what God is doing in the life of Herman. I have heard him repeat things that I have said in the past, when I thought he wasn't listening. We never know what people will remember about the things we say. I just hope and pray that God would use me to bring people to the truth. On Saturday, we went to a youth event. We went as a family to a different part of town and played volleyball. After playing volleyball, a few different youth from our church as well as a few others did the Lifehouse drama called "Everything". There was short message about the skit.It was good time to connect with some new people. So when we got done with the event we went as a family to eat some hotdogs. Below I have posted a photo of what a hotdog is like here. There are hotdog stands all over Autlan which are open only at night. As you can see it is not an ordinary hotdog. It is first wrapped in bacon then smothered with sauteed onions, peppers, and mushrooms. Then you add ketchup, mustard, mayo and salsa. By the end you can't see the hotdog but it sure it good. We only eat them on special occasions. I invite you to come on down and see for yourself how good they are! ![]() One session of the conference. Over the weekend, Jessie and I attended a bible conference. It was a full day of preaching and teaching from 6 different men. 4 of which were from Autlan. It was a good time of reminders of just how sufficient scripture is. Each session focused on one topic. The topics were only faith, only scripture, only grace, only Jesus and only glory. Each one so vital to our Christian faith. Each one has a direct impact on the way we live our life of faith. It was an encouraging time with other believers in Autlan. After a conference like this you realize just how few Christians there are in Autlan. Yesterday, as a family, we went up the mountain. I posted some pictures that we took, as well as some various photos of us at home. Take a look! I have posted a few pictures of a parade that happened on Sunday. Days leading up to it, there were marches and parades at various times such as 4 AM, with big fire crackers going off as well. (Not a fun way to get woken up having the a crowd of people walk down the street a block from your house.) I have also posted just below just a little update as well. ![]() Imported pumpkins to the right and homegrown to the left. We are always amazed by how time flies here. We are starting to settle down again as far as the things we have to do. Today, I got up read a book for my morning devotions, made the kids oatmeal and then went to get a root canal. It is not very expensive in comparison to the US. I may have talked about this before but it is cheaper here to get your dental work done than it is for paying the co-pay for your insurance in the states. So if any of you need root canals and crowns you could get a free vacation while getting them done. Not that I want to get a root canal done by any means. I am not all the way finished yet. I have to go back in next week. Both Aletta and I are getting our teeth worked on. Aletta needs more room so she has spacers to widen her jaw. We are hoping that it will only need in for a few months. The month of September flew by. It is hard for us to even imagine it getting cold like it is up there in Minnesota, who have had snow this past week. Our days are still hot although we are seeing it cooling off at night. We still have times where it only goes down to 75 in the evenings. We are hoping this will change soon. Every year we can't wait for it to cool off. This past weekend, I was running errands and I found these pumpkins at our grocery store. We were excited to be able to bring home a bright orange pumpkin. I don't remember the last time we saw these kind of pumpkins. Usually we buy the one like on the left of the this picture. They taste the same but are very different in color. Just one of the differences we live with as we live here in Mexico. Please continue to pray for Kenny and Alonzo. After talking with them on Sunday, we see that they are in an uphill battle as they make the choices to live for God. I want to meet with Alonzo this week just pray for him and encourage him. We are encouraged to see them make steps in the right direction but we want to see them continue in this direction. ![]() Anna, Levi, and Kianna (Kenny's daughter). In my last post over two weeks ago now, I asked for prayer for a couple who have been coming to La Roca church. We faced a difficult topic with them of living together before they were married. We are pleased by their response of let God be God. After our conversation they went home and discussed what they should do. The made a commitment to not be sexually intimate until they were "properly married" before God. Now comes the test. That night they started making the changes they felt were necessary to get them right standing with God. Alonzo has three kids ages 8, 10, and 13, I believe and Kenny has one daughter age 3. So that night, Alonzo started sleeping in the bedroom with his kids and Kenny in a different room with her daughter. In the last two weeks, Alonzo started to sleep at his mom and dad's house, while Kenny stays with the kids. When they made this decision, they did not take it lightly. Alonzo, has been separated from his wife for over five years (who was unfaithful to him). He had tried to divorce her several times but was unable to come to any agreement with money and a house they owned together. After Kenny and Alonzo decided to start making the steps towards living pure in the eyes of the Lord, Alonzo's wife came to Autlan, to discuss the kids. After their conversation, Alonzo's wife, is now going to live in Autlan, which is amazing as she was living in a different state of Mexico for the pass 5 years. Just from what we have seen so far, it seems that things are lining up for Alonzo and Kenny. To actually accomplish a divorce here takes lots of paperwork and time. With Alonzo's wife being here, the process will be much shorter. We are amazed at what God is doing in their lives. As a side note, to give you an idea of where Alonzo is at, with the Lord. When they came over the other day to tells us some of the latest news, Alonzo was worried about the future. Jessie shared with him the scripture about not worrying about tomorrow and how if we are obedient to what God tells us to do, it will all work for God's glory. He responded "it actually says that in the bible? That I am not suppose to worry about tomorrow? Is this true (looking at Kenny)?" She said yes it does. "Well, then that is what I am going to do." He takes the truth and just receives it. It is cool see this happen. Some of the next steps him are to discuss baptism what it means as a follower of Christ. We are so blessed! |
October 2024