We arrived in Illinois on Saturday the 3 of May. 2 weeks prior to us planning on being in the states. It was much needed break as all the kids and Jessie were dealing with a cold. We stayed in IL for a little over a week and now we are back in Minnesota with my family. It is cold still. We had days in IL it was up in the 80's. We arrived to MN with the temps getting down into the upper 30's at night. We are enjoying the cooler weather while it lasts. Yesterday, all the cousins were together riding bikes out in front of my parent's town home. Our kids are so tired at night, they fall right to sleep. Pray for us during this time, especially for our health as we are really out of our routine and getting ou
Ok, so I am stopping for a moment to let you know what is going on with us. We had planned to be in the United States today. It would take three days of driving, one through Mexico and two days across the middle of the US to arrive at my in-laws to rest for a few days. This is what we had planned. We had about two and half weeks to plan and get things done like paying all the bills that we need to pay while we were going to be in the US as well as other details. We contacted the office where we need to get a piece of paper that says that we can travel 5 days with our "illegal" vehicle. We had been told it would be 7 days from when you asked permission to the time you were given the piece of paper. So after numerous conversation on the phone with various different offices all giving different amounts of time of how long it would take. We had been given three days to fifteen days of waiting for the permission. So after hearing of this we decided we should go asap to the office in Guadalajara. So on Monday morning we were headed to Guadalajara to ask for a permission to leave. It was an office full of lawyers in cubicles. We spoke with a woman, who received our paperwork almost immediately. She said to come back in about an hour and she would have an answer of when it would be ready. So we came back and she said come back in at 5:30 P.M. and the permission would be ready. What? TODAY?????????????? Oh man. What does this mean? We are now going to have starting tomorrow five business days to drive our truck out of the country. Wait today??? We have to get everything accomplished in the next two days what we were going to do in two weeks. So we went shopping for a few things while in Guadalajara and arrived back in Autlan in the late evening. The next morning we discussed what would be the best day to leave. We didn't want to leave on Friday incase there was a problem, things get sticky when trying to make repairs on a car during the weekend. So that leaves Thursday or Monday. Monday would not be good because if we did have a problem while traveling. We would have to possibly stay in a hotel and the permission would be expired, which would mean if we were stopped by a federal police officer, we would be fined 30-120% of the worth of the vehicle and they would confiscate it. So that meant starting our trip on Thursday. We decided to play it by ear whether it would be Thursday or Friday. So away we ran. Running to buy chicken food, pay the phone bill, electricity bill, and rent. Running, running, running. I sat down to eat lunch at 4 on Wednesday afternoon and Jessie asked me why I was sitting down. It had been the first time in those days I sat down. We also had the clutch go out in our little Jetta as well. So we left Thursday evening to stay in Guadalajara for the night. It would cut out three hours of our trip not to mention fighting morning rush hour traffic. I had to change the break pads on the truck and as soon as I finished, we were loading up the truck and leaving. When we got to the hotel, I was still wearing my greasy work clothes just to show you how rushed we were. We arrived safely across the border with no problems with the truck. We were nervous as we have not driven it since last August when we found out it was illegal. We did drive every on and again to make sure the battery was ok. So we were re-leaved to have our truck make it with no trouble.
We arrived in Illinois on Saturday the 3 of May. 2 weeks prior to us planning on being in the states. It was much needed break as all the kids and Jessie were dealing with a cold. We stayed in IL for a little over a week and now we are back in Minnesota with my family. It is cold still. We had days in IL it was up in the 80's. We arrived to MN with the temps getting down into the upper 30's at night. We are enjoying the cooler weather while it lasts. Yesterday, all the cousins were together riding bikes out in front of my parent's town home. Our kids are so tired at night, they fall right to sleep. Pray for us during this time, especially for our health as we are really out of our routine and getting ou
October 2024