One thing I thought of, that I would share is how people will respond to a question you may have. This morning I asked a lady if something would be arriving tomorrow that Jessie had ordered. She responded with "Si Dios quiere, manana va a llegar." which translated means, "If God wants, tomorrow it will arrive." It is customary for people to respond this way which is taken right from scripture James 4:15 which says: Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” (NKJV) In my mind, I often wonder what they really mean by this when they respond to a question with this? What do they think with regards to what God's will? The Christians here say it as well. We had a lady come to clean our house awhile back and when asked if she would come back the next week she would say the same thing. I would respond by saying "Yes, I believe it is." At first she would look at me with a puzzled look on her face. Later on she would say it and would laugh after I would respond to her because it was so ingrained in her vocabulary and how she would respond to questions.
When you live in a small city sometimes you forget about the fact that you are the only American family living in Autlan. We were again reminded of this, this past week. Alonzo's brother moved back to Autlan with his wife and newly born baby. The had moved about a year ago to Mexico City to live with his dad. Alonzo and Fransisco have different fathers. He had come to church on Sunday morning just before everyone else showed up at 10 AM. Jessie told me there was this guy here that no one knew. I walked up to him to find out it was Alonzo's brother and he was back in town. He was alone. His wife is staying with her mom as the baby is just over a month old. So he came on Tuesday night with his wife and new born baby, just as sweet as can be. Yesterday, I met with Alonzo for a little while talking about his spiritual life. Paco (nickname for Fransisco) ended up coming as well after he had an interview. I gave him a bible on Sunday and he had a few questions about what he was reading. He started reading in Genesis the moment he received it. He asked simple questions like why did God confuse the people with different languages at the tower of Babel or why did God even have the tree of life in the garden? It was clear he was wanting to understand what he was reading. I advised him to start reading the gospels to see what Jesus said and did. After talking about this a bit I started getting to know him. He was now living with his mom and his wife was living with her mom due to not having very much money and difficulties with the in-laws. He told me that his wife wants to stay here in Autlan and she didn't like Mexico City. We will see what happens with them. When he mention that his wife was a nurse he said she probably would do more studying get a better job as nurse here. She used to go around to people's house and give kids their shots. He said that when they were on their way to our bible study she mentioned that some cute little white kids live on this street. Come to find out she had given our kids immunizations about two years ago. Small world. Then we talked about other things. For some reason I thought because he was married for a year and has a new baby he was in his middle 20's. Much to my surprise he is only 19 years old and his wife Brenda is 21. He is the same age as German (a young guy I have being ministering to for over two years). I don't know why it surprised me so much? Alonzo is 32 so I thought they were closer in age. We would ask you to pray for this young couple.
October 2024