Yesterday we ended up going to the beach. It was a great day. The waves were very calm so that was really good for Levi. Levi has had a bit of an issue with getting into the water. He is really into controlling his environment right now. With time and warming up to the water he ended up jumping over the waves and having a great time, which a far cry from the last time we went with which he wouldn't set foot in the water without screaming at the top of his lungs.
On our way back after spending the whole day there, we headed back. It is only about 70 miles from Autlan, but you have to go through the mountains to get there. If you check on Google maps, you can see just how vast the mountains are. As we were on our way back, there were trucks with their flashers on. Now this one thing we have really come to love and appreciate from the Mexican culture. When ever there is some sort of danger ahead whether it is a car stalled or there is a slow moving trucking going through the mountains, the drivers will flash their lights who are going the opposite direction. So as we started slowing down as traffic started to slow down. We ended up at a dead stop. The trucks in front of us started turning their lights off and then their engines. So we did the same. We got out of the car to see what was going on. It look like on the opposite of the mountain there was some lights like a tow truck or construction truck was working. So we waited, waited and waited some more. About 1 hour and half later we were moving along. As we started moving we made our way along the road and made it to the point where we saw the truck and we saw that there was rocks on the ground. There had been an accident which a truck had hit the side of the mountain which knocked some of the rocks down blocking the road. We made it home in 4 hours in place of the normal 2 hours. Oh the adventures we have.