In ministry, you see how God draws people to himself. There is this kid name Adrian, who started coming to church a few months ago. He started coming because his cousin invited him. He is 13 years old. I am not sure how his family life is or how his relationship with his parents is? What I can tell you is that this kid keeps coming. Sometimes these young kids start coming to bible studies or church service but after the newness wears off they get tired of coming or look board. This is not the case with Adrian. No one is telling him he needs to come to church or any bible study but is is there every time the doors are open. He gets nervous whenever I talk to him. He will fidget with something. I am trying to talk to him a little bit every time I see him. I do not know why he keeps coming. His mom used to go to a Christian church in town, but doesn’t anymore due to taking care of her other son who is 3 years old. A hard age to manage. The reason I bring him us is that I would ask for prayer for his young kid. On Wednesday we have a youth bible study, studying the 2 book of Timothy. Very practical since the main theme of the book is do not be ashamed of your faith. I am trying to connect with him personally. I want to talk to him about what he really believes and what he wants to do about it.
Below as you can see as must young people these days, has his cell phone.