Failed Adoption
A lot of you probably didn't know we were in the process of adoption. For the last year we had been in the process of an open adoption of a little 6-year-old girl. She had been living with us for almost a year and the adoption was to be finalized in January. Just days before the final court date, the biological mother changed her mind. It was an unexpected turn of events. We honestly did not see it coming, which I think made it even more shocking for us. I remember when she first came to live with us and I tried to guard my heart in case the adoption did not pan out. I quickly realized you cannot guard your heart from such beautiful things. We quickly fell in love with her and became dad, mom, brother, and sisters. It was so easy to make room for her in our home and in our hearts. This has been such a difficult time for our family, as we miss her dearly. We ask for your prayers for our family as we work through this heartbreak.
It is still our desire to adopt and we are currently on a waiting list with the local government.
Summer plans
We have been living in Mexico for 8 years now. Every summer we come home for a few weeks. This year we have decided NOT to travel home. This is mostly due to financial reasons, but we also have a lot of other smaller reasons why not traveling home this year will be good for us. We will most likely be home some time next winter. We will miss seeing all of you this summer.
Holiday Time
We had our yearly church Christmas party and had a good time of fellowship with the church members, who also had brought some of their unsaved family members. This is a good evangelistic opportunity. We had one grandmother come who is now attending our weekly Bible studies, among a few others. Every church event we have, family members are encouraged to come. With much skepticism, they come having their preconceived ideas of what we "Christians" teach against the catholic church. With the truth of God's word, the Lord begins to open their spiritual eyes and they begin to experience a relationship with Jesus for themselves.
John 4:42 (after Jesus met with the Samaritan woman): They said to the woman, "It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world." (ESV)