For many of us who have had a great deal of change from the time the Covid virus hit last March, life as we know it has changed. Our family has grown to 11 in that time. We are blessed!
Jessie and I had talked causally about how we were going to home-school our Spanish speaking kids before the virus arrived. The resources were not so readily available compared to those that are in English. When our world stopped a year ago, we were forced to do home-school. Such a change but truly a blessing for the Lord. I became a home-schooling dad. Jessie and I worked out a schedule to figure out how and what we were going to try to teach our kiddos. It is Bryan, Levi and Kianna who need the most hands-on ages 12,10, and 11. So Jessie and I trade off-and-on the classes we teach them. From 9:30 AM - 2 PM everyday, we are "in" school. Only recently, we have changed the hours so that I can get some more time to do things like this. We have to be organized that is for sure.
One of the biggest challenges is food. What do you feed a family so big? When you have this many mouths to feed, you have to plan out meals. My loving wife Jessie has been gifted with organizational skills. She has a list for everything. She spends so much time working on a menu to help us know what we are going to be preparing and eating through out the weeks. This has taken time to perfect but takes the stress out of trying to figure out what to feed, 5 teenage girls from the ages of 14 to 17. Anyone can tell you that teenagers are funny about food sometimes. For example, we will serve up something like spaghetti one week which they absolutely loved to the point of having two helpings. And then two weeks later, serve it again and they turn their noses up at it saying "Can I have something else?" There are few meals that everyone is completely happy with. We make it work.